With years of classic industrial design projects with major global clients in the bag, I’m now striving to better myself even more by designing experiences that considers all levels of human behavior and our relationships to the things around us.
Since 2017, Independently offering design services through Made by Bellham AB. Through my own company I love offering my own unfiltered view and expertise when helping my clients tackle their problems. Whether it being classic Industrial Design tasks or deeper, broader and more impactful undertakings.
I seldom hold back in uttering opinions and I’m not afraid to be wrong. If I, through my curiosity, enlighten my clients and make them see the smallest or most profound things in a different way, I’ve succeeded. –I will never stop in helping all parties understand the task at hand. In the end, we should all truly know our motivations and be sure of them. Then we can start making the world ‘by design’.
Despite being an independent design consultant I seldom work independently. I can best help my clients when they help me through transparency and inclusion. I want to be perceived as a part of the team and always strive to make an impact by tapping in to the best parts of those around me, whether it being obvious or dormant skills and knowledge. If I can make the people I work with perform better, they will feel empowered and comfortable in their role, allowing me to excel at my given task resulting in the best possible conclusion.
Feel free to contact me and let’s talk how we can help each other out..
– Philip